Thursday, August 2, 2007

Islamic Opposition Group Pulls Out of Elections in Jordan

"“The level of corruption we witnessed made it impossible for us to continue with this election,” said Zaki Bani Rsheid, the group’s secretary general. Mr. Rsheid said that although the group had withdrawn, it was not boycotting the political process altogether."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Tsunami of Refugees Four Million Iraqis on the Run :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

A Tsunami of Refugees Four Million Iraqis on the Run :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it "Yet, while the US and Britain express sympathy for the plight of refugees in Africa, they are ignoring - or playing down- a far greater tragedy which is largely of their own making. The US and Britain may not want to dwell on the disasters that have befallen Iraq during their occupation but the shanty towns crammed with refugees springing up in Iraq and neighbouring countries are becoming impossible to ignore."By PATRICK COCKBURN, CounterPunch